At Montante Plastic Surgery PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) injections are used to restore hair loss. PRP is the latest non-invasive hair restoration treatment designed to target male and female hair loss. Treatment is non-surgical and delivers proven results. It is less expensive compared to hair transplant and it leaves NO scars and has NO side effects. It is 100% Natural!

Platelets are a natural source of growth factors which act as stem cells when introduced into new surrounding tissues. Platelets and growth factors start stimulating new blood vessel formation, new hair follicle formation and new collagen, which is transformed into hair. Until now, the only non-surgical treatment options available have been Rogaine and Propecia. Monoxidil (Rogaine) is a topical cream or spray that requires a twice daily application. Once Rogaine is discontinued, hair growth stops. Finasteride (Propecia) is an oral tablet taken to enhance hair growth. It carries a small risk of sexual dysfunction by lowering sex drive in both males and females. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is all natural for stimulating hair growth.

See Our PRP for Hairloss Results

What Can I Expect?

Dr. Montante or a nurse practitioner will draw blood from your vein and start processing the PRP concentrate. Photographs will be taken and consent forms will be reviewed and signed. The treatment area will be cleansed and prepped while the PRP is being prepared. Injections take about 5 to 7 minutes and will be performed using a Zimmer air chiller to numb the area.

For optimal results, 4 sessions spaced 4 weeks apart are recommended, followed by one maintenance treatment every 6 months. Results are seen within 4 to 12 months after injections begin. The benefits will last as long as maintenance treatments are continued approximately every 6 months.

Hair Loss Patterns

When hair loss is excessive, beyond the normal shedding amount, the pattern of loss can be classified. The Hamilton classification system is used to classify male pattern hair loss, Types I to V. Female pattern hair loss is classified using Ludwig classification from types I to III.

Hair Thinning & Hair Loss​

Fuller and thicker hair has traditionally been a symbol of eternal health, ageless beauty and confidence. Signs of hair loss and hair thinning can be very socially disabling and embarrassing to both women and men alike. Women feel sexy with great hair and men feel empowered, and once that feeling is gone, depression, diminished sex life and social avoidance begin to develop. Men and women lose hair naturally, at a rate of about 50 to 150 strands a day as part of the hair growth cycle.

There are many reasons for hair loss or thinning. These include genetics, medications, diet and nutrition, chronic illnesses, lifestyle choices, hair styling choices and hair products used. Men are twice as likely to be affected. In men, alopecia may begin any time after puberty and is typically seen in the early 20’s, becoming fully pronounced by their 40’s. Women usually start seeing hair loss much later, with most occurring after the age of 60. Hair growth goes through a life cycle consisting of four stages: Anagen, Catagen, Telogen and Exogen.

Anagen phase (growth phase) – Depending on the area of the body this phase lasts weeks to years. Approximately 85% of hairs are in this phase, which determines the ultimate length of hair. This phase consists of rapidly reproducing epithelial cells which are sensitive to toxins, drugs, hormones, growth factors, stress, immune changes, and physical trauma. Major injury to these epithelial stem cells leads to permanent hair loss.

Catagen phase (transition phase) – This is a short transition phase between anagen, active growth and telogen phase where the follicle loses nourishment and begins to push upwards towards the skin surface. This phase lasts only a few weeks with about 1% of hairs in this cycle at any time.

Telogen phase (resting phase) – This is a quiet phase for hair with only 1-14% of hairs existing in this phase. This phase lasts a few months. The epithelial cells lining the hair follicle begin to migrate up the follicle, providing nutrients until the hair breaks free from the root.

Exogen phase – This is an active phase of hair falling out and shedding. About 50 to 150 hairs naturally fall out daily in healthy individuals.