If you are looking for smooth, youthful, glowing skin, a Hydrafacial could be right for you. The Hydrafacial deeply cleans skin and rejuvenates tired, dull complexions without causing irritation or breakouts. With instant results and no required downtime, you can immediately face the world with a brand-new glow.

We love watching our clients restore their confidence and youth with a non-invasive Hydrafacial treatment. Victoria Booth is a master aesthetician who can assess your skin type, listen to your concerns, and answer your questions about Hydrafacial in Richmond.

Who Can Benefit from a Hydrafacial?

A Hydrafacial treatment is safe for individuals of all ages, from teenagers experiencing hormonal acne to mature older adults with wrinkles, sun damage, age spots, and hyperpigmentation. Hydrafacials provide numerous benefits to our clients, including:

  • Brightening dull, lifeless skin
  • Improving uneven skin tone and texture
  • Moisturizing and hydrating skin
  • Deep cleaning skin, removing excess dirt, oil, skin-clogging impurities, dead skin cells, blackheads, and whiteheads

The Hydrafacial cleans and purifies your skin such that your skin is a blank canvas, ready to be treated with one of our many dermatological and cosmetic therapies. During your skin assessment with our highly trained team, we can identify your skin’s needs and devise a treatment strategy to help you achieve the complexion of your dreams.

What Can I Expect from a Hydrafacial in Richmond?

Hydrafacials are painless treatments that can be completed in about 15-45 minutes, depending on your individual needs. During the procedure, you may feel a gentle suction-like sensation on your skin as the applicator wand is moved over your skin. You may also experience a slight cooling sensation as the serums cleanse and treat your skin. Most people find their Hydrafacial to be quite relaxing, like a gentle massage.

There is no downtime after your Hydrafacial treatment. Better yet, you will instantly see your beautiful, radiant results. Your skin may be slightly flushed, which is completely normal and will subside in a matter of hours. Maintain your results by protecting your skin from the sun and using a high-quality skincare regimen.

How Often Should I Get the Hydrafacial?

How many Hydrafacial treatments we recommend depends on your specific needs and the condition you are trying to treat. The Hydrafacial procedure is safe enough that clients can obtain treatment as frequently as once a week if they choose to. Usually, we recommend that you obtain your treatments spaced a month or two apart. However, if you have a particular skin issue that you are trying to combat, such as oily skin or acne-prone skin, we recommend Hydrafacial treatments every two to three weeks. During your consultation, we will perform a complete assessment of your skin and help design a treatment plan to address your specific needs.

Book a Consultation for the Hydrafacial in Richmond Today

To learn more about the Hydrafacial in Richmond and how it can help you achieve gorgeous, glowing, and radiant skin, give us a call today. At Montante Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics, we can create a treatment strategy to help you achieve the skin of your dreams.

We are here for you every step of the way, providing comfort and guidance from consultation to follow-up. Schedule a consultation today to learn more about how we can help you refresh your appearance and restore your confidence.