Whether we accept it or not, age catches up with all of us. Wrinkles and other facial imperfections can be an empowering indicator of a life well-lived, but for some, slowing the aging process is a revitalizing endeavor they enjoy. Whichever camp you fall into, we support it and everything in between. Whether you are looking for recognizable changes or subtle adjustments, we can help.

For those who want to ease into their later years, Sculptra may be an effective and non-invasive way to do it. More than just a filler, Sculptra stimulates collagen production so your own body can do the work needed for plumper, younger-looking skin. If you have been bothered by fine lines and wrinkles, it is time to take action. Sculptra in Richmond could be a perfect fit– schedule a consultation at our office to learn more about your injectable options.

What is Sculptra?

Sculptra is unique from other dermal fillers. It stimulates collagen production to treat deep wrinkles and fine lines instead of simply filling space under the skin. It contains poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), a synthetic biocompatible lactic acid that induces collagen production. In addition to treating age-related wrinkles, it also treats facial fat loss.

Because PLLA is already present in the human body, there is almost no risk of an allergic reaction to Sculptra, and therefore, no pretesting is needed. Fine lines, wrinkles, and hollowed appearances gradually decrease as collagen production ramps up. The poly-L-lactic acid naturally dissolves over time.

Your Sculptra Treatments

For best results, Sculptra treatments usually take three or four visits spaced over several months. Your provider will determine how many injections are necessary for best results. Each appointment takes about an hour, and patients can return to regular activities immediately after treatment.

You may receive a topical numbing agent before the injection to increase comfort. Sculptra also contains an analgesic, so facial numbing will increase with each injection. Most patients describe the process as very tolerable with only a mild and brief pinching feel.

The Long-Lasting Results of Sculptra

Full results of Sculptra appear gradually over multiple treatments. Because Sculptra induces collagen production, it takes time for the body to respond and increase collagen.

Usually, by six weeks, results from the first treatment have reached full potential. At this point, most patients will undergo another procedure. The effects of treatment can last up to two years. We can work with you during your initial consultation in Richmond to create a Sculptra treatment schedule that gets you your desired results.

Schedule an Appointment to Learn More About Your Options for Sculptra in Richmond

Sculptra is a convenient and low-maintenance way to treat the signs of aging. It is non-invasive and long-lasting. You could even fit in an appointment during a lunch hour to conform with your busy life. If you are looking for a surgical-free way to invigorate your face and decrease your wrinkles gradually, Sculptra in Richmond could be right for you.

No one can reverse time, but Sculptra may turn the clock back a bit on the aging process. Call us to schedule your consultation and start on the path of a more confident you.