Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

PRP stands for Platelet Rich Plasma and is considered a miraculous healing product and natural collagen stimulator. Platelets in our blood are known to release numerous growth factors that respond to tissue injury to initiate and promote conditions for healing. PRP is derived from your own blood therefore it carries no risk of an allergic reaction or side effects, and it is a beneficial non-surgical procedure. At Montante Plastic Surgery and Aesthetics, we utilize the latest PRP collection systems which yield the highest concentration of platelets on the market.

There are multiple ways for our trained injectors to utilize PRP for achieving optimal results.

PRP History

PRP has been on the market for over ten years and was first introduced in the field of orthopedics and dentistry. After many years of proven results in tissue, muscle and bone remodeling, it has been introduced to the cosmetic surgery field with astounding results.


Vampire Facial / PRP with Microneedling

This treatment, also referred to as the Vampire Facial received by Kim Kardashian, combines micro-needling with PRP. Micro-needling creates microscopic channels in the skin surface to allow PRP to penetrate deeper into the skin layer and activate the tissues.

What Can I Expect From the Procedure?

One of our trained clinicians will draw blood from your vein and start processing it to make PRP concentrate. While the blood is being prepared, they prepare the area to be treated by applying a topical numbing cream.

Once the PRP is ready, your skin is cleansed and the PRP is utilized during the micro-needling procedure.

Total Appointment Time: 60 minutes

*It has been shown that at least 3 treatment sessions are required to achieve long sustaining results. Treatments are spaced 2-4 weeks apart. Results become evident within a few days and continue to improve over the next several months. There is no downtime after the procedure. The skin may look red and swell some that evening, followed by a few days of soreness and mild skin sloughing or flaking.


Under Eye Circles / Tear Trough Injections

PRP is full of stem cells and growth factors. When deposited under the skin it immediately starts working to generate volume, collagen and elastin. Much like filler, this eventually corrects the volume which was lost naturally and gives longer lasting results. On average the collagen produced by the body lasts about 2 years before it begins to weaken in the area.

What Can I Expect From the Procedure?

One of our trained clinicians will draw blood from your vein and start processing it to make PRP concentrate. While the blood is being prepared, the skin will be cleansed and prepped for a topical numbing cream.

After numbing for 30 minutes, PRP is injected under the eyes to initially create more volume; however, this absorbs over time stimulating collagen and improving skin laxity and an overall more voluminous appearance.

Total Appointment Time: 60 minutes

*Treatments are spaced 4 weeks apart. Results become evident within a few days and continue to improve over the next several months. There is no downtime after the procedure. The skin may look red and swell slightly that evening, followed by a few days of soreness and mild skin sloughing or flaking. If any bruising occurs, it generally resolves within 7 days.


PRP Cocktail ™

PRP Cocktail ™ is a cutting-edge treatment specifically designed to treat a universally bothersome and difficult to treat area, the neck. Thin, crepey, or sagging skin on our neck often reveals our true age. Prior to this treatment there were very few options when treating this area! PRP Cocktail ™ offers a solution that lasts up to two years.