Patient is a 39 year old woman who developed breast enlargement following pregnancy. She also had complaints of neck, shoulder, and back pain and intertrigo related to her breast size. She is seen here following bilateral breast size. She is seen here following bilateral breast reduction.
Patient is a 48 year old woman whose breast size interfered with her occupation as a fitness instructor. In addition, she add complaints of shoulder pain and grooving and neck pain. She is seen following bilateral breast reduction. Distinguishing tattoos have been removed to protect identity.
Patient is a 36 year old woman with complaints of neck, shoulder, and back pain related to her breast size. She is seen here following bilateral breast reduction.
Patient is a 19 year old woman who complained of breast heaviness, shoulder pain, and intertrigo that worsened with activity. She sought breast reduction for symptomatic relief and for a breast size more conducive to high levels of fitness. SH underwent bilateral breast reduction, resumed her active lifestyle, and remains very happy.