Tubular breasts are typically a congenital condition that becomes apparent around puberty when the breasts fail to develop fully. The shape of the breasts is restricted by a fibrous ridge encircling the base of the breast tissue that causes them to protrude in a conical shape instead of forming a rounded appearance.

Tubular breasts often cause lowered self-esteem and increased psychological stress. Fortunately, cosmetic breast surgeries can address the shape, size, and symmetry of your breasts to restore a more natural contour as well as a boost in self-confidence. Tubular breast surgery in Richmond produces dramatic, potentially life-transforming results. Call us today to learn more.

How Does Tubular Breast Surgery Work?

Tuberous breast correction is a specialized procedure requiring extensive experience. At our Richmond clinic, several treatment options are available for corrective tubular breast surgery, including tissue expansion and breast augmentation.

While everyone’s needs are different based on their anatomical structure, aesthetic goals, and severity of shape irregularity, typically, a breast implant in conjunction with an incision along the border of the areola allows for the highest degree of control and precision when Dr. Montante places the implant. This technique gives your breasts a natural, symmetrical, and full appearance.

In many instances, we may recommend a combination lift and augmentation procedure to further restore a more rounded breast shape. Some women may also benefit from fat grafting. During your initial consultation, we will discuss your options and preferences at length to customize a treatment plan and surgical approach that suits your unique needs and ensures you have the best breast shape and size for your physique.

Tubular Breast Surgery Recovery

Recovery timelines will vary based on your body’s natural healing process as well as the extensiveness of your procedure. Prior to your surgery, our team will provide you with pre and post-operative instructions that are individualized to your circumstances. It is vital to follow these carefully to minimize complications and protect your results.

Generally, the procedure takes two to three hours. We recommend at least ten days of recovery time. You should be able to continue your regular routine after two to three weeks. Some swelling may persist for the next few months.

Are You a Good Candidate for Tubular Breast Surgery?

When you are interested in tubular breast surgery, arranging an appointment with our board-certified plastic surgeon at our Richmond office is the best way to determine whether this procedure is appropriate for your needs. Dr. Montante and our skilled surgical team will assess your breasts, overall body type, and aesthetic concerns during your consultation.

You should also be prepared to provide medical information, including medications you are taking, allergies, health conditions, tobacco and alcohol use, and previous breast surgeries. Ideal candidates are in overall good health, non-smokers, and have realistic expectations of their results.

Call Our Office To Learn More About Tubular Breast Surgery in Richmond

For many women, their breasts are an important part of their femininity. Being unhappy or insecure with their appearance can weigh heavily on your self-esteem. Let us help you discover comfort in your own skin.

At Montante Plastic Surgery and Aesthetics, we pride ourselves on taking an individualized approach to every procedure and treatment we perform and prioritizing your safety and comfort above all else. Reach out to our office to schedule a consultation to learn more about your options for tubular breast surgery in Richmond.