Many people experience back pain. It can stem from tension, poor posture, overexertion, excess weight, and many other factors. For some women, one of those issues is large breasts. 

Why Can Large Breasts Cause Back Pain?

A pair of D-cup breasts weighs between 16 and 24 pounds. Breasts that size and larger exert a force on the chest, which requires a counterbalance on the neck, shoulders, and upper back. That can lead to muscle strain and chronic pain. The extra weight can also lead to problems with posture, as muscles tire and the upper back curves forward. 

Other factors may come into play, too. Women who are self-conscious about large breasts may adjust their posture to minimize the appearance of their breasts, hunching forward and rolling their shoulders in. Those posture adjustments can lead to back pain.

Bras play a role too. Ill-fitting bras can add to discomfort by digging into the shoulders and shifting the body’s balance in an unhealthy way.

Finally, very large breasts can lead women to avoid physical activities that could strengthen their backs and torsos and improve their flexibility. That’s not just because large breasts make some activities awkward or more difficult. It’s also due to the pressure the breasts place on the thorax — the chest cavity — which can make it harder to take deep breaths and can lead to a winded feeling with even moderate activity.

Steps You Can Take to Address Breast-Related Back Pain

Large breasts are rarely the only cause of back pain – or even the primary one. Here are some steps you can take to address back pain if you have large breasts.

  • Wear a well-fitting bra: Shop for a bra that isn’t too tight and that has wide shoulder straps to distribute the weight. Customized bras and sports bras can support the weight of large breasts and make movement more comfortable. That could sound like obvious advice, but two-thirds to three-quarters of all women wear bras with the wrong cup size, band size, or both.
  • Manage your weight: When women gain weight, their breasts often become larger. The extra fat can also add weight to the abdomen, forcing the back to work harder to keep the body in balance. If you’re carrying some extra pounds, losing them with healthy eating and physical activity may help resolve your back pain.
  • Exercise to strengthen your core: Strengthening the muscles in your back and abdomen can correct postural problems that may be contributing to your pain. You might work with a physical therapist or personal trainer to learn exercises that will help you strengthen your core. Specific  yoga poses can also build strength and flexibility in ways that improve posture and reduce back, neck, and shoulder pain. Yoga can also help reduce tension that contributes to tight muscles and chronic discomfort. And physical activity has the crucial benefit of helping you manage your weight.

Breast Reduction

If you’ve done everything you can do on your own to address breast-related back pain and the problems persist, you might consider breast reduction surgery. This procedure can have both cosmetic and medical benefits, and may be the only way to permanently resolve your issue with back pain. Breast reduction surgery can give you the look you want and open the door to living a more active lifestyle. And if large breasts are contributing to back, neck, and shoulder pain, reducing their size could take care of this chronic problem. 

Learn More About Breast Reduction Surgery in Richmond

Montante Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics provides personalized cosmetic procedures to exacting standards of medical and aesthetic skill. Contact our practice today at (804) 325-4795 or send an online request to schedule a consultation.